The impact of scholarly activity and research | A message from the Dean

One of the most important aspects of our scholarly activity and research is reaching the finish line of presenting our findings in peer-reviewed journals. I find it very exciting to organize and reorganize the outcomes of a study into a scientific manuscript that is accepted by a journal. Unfortunately, sometimes our findings aren’t accepted by a journal or its reviewers. The first time I received a non-acceptance letter it was crushing, and I didn’t submit anything else for several years. It is that experience—and several others within my career—that allows me to have great joy and pride at the publication accomplishments of the School of Dentistry faculty.
One of the priorities for the School of Dentistry is to improve our research standings, including by increasing our publications. In 2023, our faculty published 123 scientific articles and scholarly manuscripts. Dr. Donald Simone had the honor of being part of a collaborative team that published a paper in the high impact journal of Blood. Dr. Thorsten Gruenheid published findings on the wellbeing of frontline health workers post-pandemic in the Frontiers of Public Health. Michelle Arnett and Kristin Shingler published on the use of StoryMaps as instructional content within our dental curriculum. Drs. Hooi Pin Chew and Alex Fok published on caries inhibition of ion-releasing restorative materials.

One notable recognition is when an article is selected as the cover for the journal issue. In May of this year, Dr. Lars Gaalaas was the co-author of a fascinating article outlining emerging diagnostic imaging technologies and their potential for future use. Additionally, several of our faculty published articles focusing on the use of smartphones, including as a tool for mobile health assessment and improving student confidence when providing dental anesthesia. Another area that deserves a shout-out is our Student Summer Research Program, as most of the student researchers’ projects have been published in peer-reviewed journals. These are but a few examples out of hundreds of publications, and each of our faculty authors who aren’t named here contribute so much to making our school shine brightly. Overall, the School of Dentistry has an excellent publication track record and continues to grow. Congratulations to all the authors, co-authors and collaborators who are fostering our publication prowess.