Minnesota Craniofacial & Oral Health Research Experience
The Minnesota Craniofacial and Oral Health Research Experience (MnCORE) aims to introduce new generations of researchers to questions in craniofacial, oral health and dental research. Research strengths of this training program include immunology/cancer, biomaterials, bone biology, and microbiology.
Summer Research Fellowship program - a mentored research experience
For incoming and current dental students, the Summer Research Fellowship Program offers the opportunity to do research under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Over a 10-week period in the summer, students undertake a structured research program; first time research fellows attend a weekly training seminar. The following spring, summer fellows have the opportunity to prepare a written report and a poster for presentation at local and regional student research meetings. In some cases, students have the opportunity to attend national meetings including the American Association for Dental Research. Stipends are provided in the form of financial aid.
DDS/PhD training program
Our Dentist-Scientist Training Program allows interested learners to pursue a DDS and a PhD at the School of Dentistry. The program brings together cross-disciplinary teams of trainees and mentors from such fields as biology, neuroscience, microbiology, genetics, immunology, engineering, psychology, dentistry, medicine, and other disciplines that contribute to its research training mission. Learners frequently have the opportunity to present their research at local, regional and national meetings.