Get to know School of Dentistry Alumni Society board president Tudor Stiharu

Tudor Stiharu, DDS, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery ’17, is an oral surgeon at Children’s Hospitals & Clinics of Minnesota and the president of the School of Dentistry Alumni Society Board. Dentistry Magazine spoke with Stiharu about his role with SODAS, and what he most looks forward to in the coming year.
Why did you decide to volunteer with SODAS?
I wanted to make sure I did not lose my connection to the institution where I pursued my oral and maxillofacial surgery training. I enjoyed my residency at the School of Dentistry and wanted to keep an open network of connections. I saw SODAS as a great opportunity to do so.
What is your favorite way of staying connected to the School of Dentistry?
I volunteer monthly in the OMS clinic. I take my major OR cases to the University of Minnesota hospitals to allow residents to participate in them. I wish I could come more frequently, but time is a limiting factor—something we all have to deal with!
What do you hope to accomplish while you serve as SODAS president?
I hope to connect the graduate programs with SODAS more. I would like to emphasize a connection with alumni of graduate and advanced education programs as much as with the dental, dental hygiene and dental therapy students. It is important to foster that sense of belonging and integration.
This story originally appeared in the 2023 edition of Dentistry Magazine.