134 incoming clinical learners join School of Dentistry

The School of Dentistry welcomed 134 incoming learners into the DDS Class of 2027, the Dental Therapy Class of 2026 and the Dental Hygiene Class of 2025.
The DDS Class of 2027 includes 106 students, 44 of whom are male and 62 of whom are female. The class is 30.2% ethnically diverse, with 67.9% Minnesota residents. Of those Minnesota residents, 19 hail from rural Minnesota. The class is from 58.5% suburban areas, with 20.8% each from urban and rural areas.
The class ranges in age from 20 to 42 years old, with an average age of 23. Fifteen learners were the first in their family to complete a four-year degree.
This talented class boasts an average overall GPA of 3.73, with an average science GPA of 3.65 and BCP GPA of 3.63. The class’s average academic DAT score is 20.85, with an average perceptual ability score of 20.77, an average total science score of 20.39 and a reading comprehension score of 21.86.
The class comes from 63 unique undergraduate institutions, with the greatest number of learners joining from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, the University of Wisconsin Madison, the University of St. Thomas and the College of St. Scholastica. They hold 29 undergraduate majors, with the top five being biology/biological sciences, biochemistry, chemistry, physiology and biomedical sciences.
The class includes 17 countries of birth and 20 total languages spoken, including English. These learners worked hard before they joined the school, reporting over 329,000 hours of employment, 90,000 hours of extracurriculars, 38,000 hours of volunteering and 30,000 hours of research.
The Dental Hygiene Class of 2025 includes 21 learners, 20 of whom are women. One learner comes from Wisconsin, with the other 20 residing in Minnesota. The class is 57.1% ethnically diverse. Ages range from 19 to 21, with an average age of 20.
Nearly half—47.6%—of the class reported wanting to be a dental hygienist since childhood, and four members of the class are part of the school’s Dental Hygiene Freshman Guarantee program. Ten are the first in their family to complete a four-year degree. The class holds an average overall GPA of 3.52, with a prerequisite average of 3.46 and a science average of 3.32.
The class is well-prepared to begin their studies, having logged more than 175 hours of shadowing.
The Dental Therapy Class of 2026 includes seven learners, all from Minnesota. One learner is male, and the remaining six are female.
Four learners, or 57.1% of the class, are ethnically diverse. Two hail from rural areas, while the additional five come from urban or suburban areas.
The average age of the dental therapy class is 23, with a range of 19-33. Five students are the first in their families to complete a four-year degree.
The class holds an average overall GPA of 3.39, with a prerequisite average of 3.46 and science average of 3.19.
We offer a heartfelt welcome to the 134 incoming clinical learners who join our school this fall!