PEW Charitable Trusts visit Native American Community Clinic Dental Clinic


On Friday, Novemeber 14, about 35 dental leaders, legislators, policymakers and dental access coalition leaders from throughout the country visited the Native American Community Clinic Dental Clinic [LINK] as part of a PEW Charitable Trusts-sponsored event to learn more about Minnesota's dental therapists. Karl Self [LINK TO BIO] and Amanda Nagy (Primary Dental Care-Dental Therapy) along with Meghan Reedy and Janelle Jehn (Primary Dental Care-Outreach) were in attendance to share information about the Native American Community Clinic (NACC) and to help visitors achieve a better understanding about dental therapy [LINK] and training.

Native American Community Clinic Dental ClinicIn October, PEW Charitable Trusts interviewed School of Dentistry Dean Leon Assael about dental therapy in Minnesota (video).

The Native American Community Clinic has been serving Native Americans and others in the Phillips neighborhood and Twin Cities metropolitan area since 2003. The clinic at the NACC serves as a unique dental education training site for dental, dental hygiene and dental therapy students in their final year of training.