The University of Minnesota School of Dentistry and People’s Center Clinics & Services in Minneapolis have come together to provide excellence in care and education.
Service and care for Native populations has been a priority in dentistry for Jamie Wade, DDS ’10, since nearly the beginning—and it’s what kept her working with one outreach site for nearly 14 years.
In considering the many points of community engagement that the School of Dentistry participates in, I am sure there is an opportunity for your involvement.
Amy Full, DDS ’19, grew up in a cornfield. And today, she’s practicing dentistry in those same cornfields, fulfilling her lifelong dream to practice rural dentistry. Part of what made that dream possible was scholarship funding.
On a sunny day in mid-June, Amy Ahnefeld brings her two children into the Hibbing Community College Dental Clinic for oral health care. A single mother to Finn and Hannah, she knows what is important to her: community, efficiency and excellence in care. She gets all those things and more at Hibbing—and that is why she has continued to return for nine years.