
School of Dentistry raises $86,000 for cancer research

The University of Minnesota School of Dentistry helped raise more than $86,000 for cancer research at the University of Minnesota Masonic Cancer Center at the Chainbreaker bicycle ride on August 11-13.

The School of Dentistry Peloton featured 73 riders and the Lytic Cycles had 13 riders for the trip through Minnesota. More than 30 School of Dentistry volunteers anchored two rest stops, registration tables and helped in many other capacities throughout the weekend.

A look inside Give Kids a Smile

On February 10, 2018, more than 450 volunteers - including dental, dental therapy and dental hygiene students and faculty, staff and residents from the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry a

Revamped Give Kids a Smile successful

University of Minnesota School of Dentistry dental, dental hygiene, dental therapy students, pediatric dentistry residents, staff and faculty came together on Saturday, February 9, at Moos Tower to