Academic Policy

Student Parental Leave Policy

Date Effective

September 18, 2017

Policy Owner: Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Policy Contact: Assistant Dean for Student & Resident Affairs


Duration of Parental Leave

Pregnant students, students who have pregnant spouses/partners, and students adopting children have a maximum of three weeks (15 days) for parental leave. Parental leave can be used at any time during pregnancy, the adoption process, and up to six months post-delivery/adoption. Parental leave is considered an excused absence.

Students in clinic may also use personal sessions and vacation weeks in addition to their parental leave. Personal sessions and vacation time used because a student is pregnant, a student’s spouse/partner is pregnant or students are adopting children, will also be considered excused and students should be allowed to makeup work missed during that time.

Students may be required to submit a doctor’s note if a provider determines it is necessary for them to take time off in addition to their maximum parental leave, personal sessions, and vacation weeks. This time will be considered excused.


University policy requires that a student be provided accommodations for makeup work as a result of missing class for specific reasons, including pregnancy. Title IX requires that a student who returns from parental leave be restored to the same status as before their leave, including giving the student an opportunity to make up any work that they missed.

The purpose of this policy is to define the amount of leave time available for pregnant students, students who have pregnant spouses/partners, and students adopting children in the School of Dentistry may use during enrollment as well as guidelines for students and course directors to use for makeup work.


Notification Process

  1. Students who are planning to use parental leave must notify the Director of Student Affairs that they are planning to take parental leave. Students should meet with the Director of Student Affairs to discuss the parental leave policy.
  2. The Director of Student Affairs will email course directors and the student to confirm the student will be taking parental leave.
  3. Students are then responsible for contacting course directors prior to parental leave to schedule a meeting to agree on plans to make up missed work. In the event a student does not contact a course director, the course director will email the student a tentative plan to make up missed work.
  4. Students and faculty should draft a written plan outlining the process and preliminary timelines for the student to complete makeup assignments.

Students should make every effort to complete the steps above prior to leave. The School acknowledges, however, that parental leave may not go exactly as planned and together, course directors and students will adjust plans for makeup work.

Absence requests for parental leave should be submitted as far in advance as possible in accordance with the School’s attendance policies and procedures as published on the student intranet. Instructors should respond to students’ requests to discuss parental leave in a timely manner.

Makeup Work

Title IX regulations allow for a school to propose alternatives to missed work, but faculty and departments may not unilaterally decide on plans without engaging the student. Alternatives proposed by course directors are subject to student input. If a student has missed a component of the course that cannot be made up in exactly the same manner, the instructor may substitute another activity or assignment in order to assess the missed component. For example, course directors may consider allowing additional time to make up missed clinical work or laboratory projects, developing a schedule with the student to review missed lecture recordings and makeup exams, and/or offering makeup exams in an alternative format. Proposed alternatives may not include remediation or other disciplinary measures. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs is available for consultation with faculty about alternatives for students taking parental leave and to mediate discussions between course directors and students about makeup work.

If a student believes they have been wrongly denied the opportunity to make up work missed due to parental leave, the student should pursue a complaint using the informal resolution process following the School of Dentistry Academic Due Process Policy in the student handbook. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs is the final level for appeals through this process.

Students and faculty with questions about parental leave may consult with the School of Dentistry Office of Student Affairs or the University of Minnesota Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action.


There are no forms associated with this policy.


There are no appendices associated with this guideline.


There is no FAQ associated with this policy.



For the purposes of this policy, students are those enrolled in the doctor of dental surgery, dental therapy, or dental hygiene programs.


There are no responsibilities associated with this policy.


Approving Body: Council of Chairs
Date Approved: September 18, 2017


Primary ContactKarl Self[email protected]
ContactMercedes Porter[email protected]