Clinical Policy

Patient Dismissal Policy

Date Effective

April 1, 2018

Policy Owner: Associate Dean for Patient Care & Clinic Services

Policy Contact: Quality & Compliance Officer


  1. The School of Dentistry may dismiss a patient when established criteria are met. When the School of Dentistry initiates termination of the relationship with a patient, consideration will be given to protecting patient rights and preventing patient abandonment.
  2. The patient-provider relationship may be terminated in the following circumstances:
  • Inability to maintain a functional patient-provider relationship
  • Use of inappropriate language or behavior
  • The patient’s failed/canceled appointments have an impact on the effectiveness of treatment or clinic operations
  • The patient has failed to make timely payments for services
  • The patient presents an immediate danger to clinic personnel, other patients and their families, or anyone else who is on the premises
  1. Warnings and dismissals will be issued in the following manner:
  • After 2 failed appointments within a year, a warning may be issued. Warnings may be verbal or written and will be documented in the patient’s chart by attaching the warning letter or a contact note documenting the conversation. Failed appointments do not have to be Consecutive.
  • After 3 failed appointments within a year, a dismissal letter may be sent after verification with the patient’s provider(s). Dismissals will be documented in the chart, and chart access will be blocked to prevent Scheduling.
  • A failed new patient appointment will result in immediate dismissal. A dismissal letter will be sent and will not allow access to emergency care.
  • A warning will be issued after one documented incident of inappropriate language or behavior. Ideally, warnings are issued verbally and immediately when the behavior occurs and documented in the chart. If a letter is generated, it will be attached to the chart.
  • Patients will be dismissed immediately after a second documented incident of inappropriate language or behavior.
  • Parents or guardians who repeatedly send their children to appointments without proper guardianship will receive a warning letter that explains the policy for unaccompanied minors. (See Unaccompanied Minors Policy)
  • Patients who cannot be reached by phone will receive a letter requesting that they update their contact information. Failure to respond will be interpreted as the patient’s intention to sever their relationship with the SOD.
  • Patients who present an immediate danger will be dismissed from the clinic immediately.
  1. Unless noted, dismissed patients will have 30 days to seek treatment for their unresolved acute emergent dental needs and will be provided with referrals to community resources for their dental care.
  1. Once a patient is dismissed from the School of Dentistry, that patient is dismissed from all clinical practice areas. The clinical practice areas include: all Moos Tower clinics and/or departments and any other clinic operated by the School of Dentistry.
  1. Graduate Endodontics Clinic Policy Exception-Two consecutive failed grad endo appointments may lead to dismissal from the School of Dentistry.
  • Patients will be made aware of this policy exception when scheduling grad endo appointments.
  • Referred patients who have only scheduled endodontic appointments in the SOD may be dismissed immediately at the discretion of the grad endo Faculty.
  • Patients of record who have been treated or have ongoing treatment elsewhere in the school will be reviewed by the Patient Management Team and the Director of Compliance to determine if they will be dismissed from the school.


To provide guidelines and criteria for dismissing patients from the School of Dentistry while protecting patient rights and avoiding patient abandonment.


Letter Writing Process

  1. Warning and dismissal letters are initiated by providers (students or residents) and assigned by the provider and faculty. Letters are found in axiUm links under Patient Letter Templates.
  2. Letters are submitted to the Patient Liaison who will scan the letter into the axiUm EHR, enter required sticky notes and chart alerts, and mail the letter to the Patient.


  1. Patients may appeal their dismissal to the Patient Management Team. The Interim Associate Dean for Patient Care and Clinical Services will be consulted for a final determination.
  2. Providers may appeal a patient dismissal to the Director of Compliance who will consult with the Patient Management Team and the Interim Associate Dean for Patient Care and Clinical Services.


There are no forms associated with this policy.


There are no appendices associated with this guideline.


There is no FAQ associated with this policy.


There are no definitions associated with this policy.


There are no responsibilities associated with this policy. 


There is no related information associated with this policy. 


Approving Body: Council of Chairs
Date Approved: 4/2018
Date Amended: 


Primary ContactCatherine Harding-Rose[email protected]