Clinical Policy

Financial Hardship Policy

Date Amended


Policy Owner: Chief Financial Officer / Associate Dean for Patient Care & Clinic Services

Policy Contact: Revenue Cycle Supervisor



Dental fees are educationally discounted. Collection of fees on the day services are provided is expected. Payment policies are located in the Patient Information Brochure.


Medical fees are not educationally discounted, including waiving co-pays and deductibles, billing charges “insurance only,” and research participation discounts, etc. Consult the medical compliance office if you have any questions. Fees, except co-pays are generally not collected on the day services are provided. Policy is to bill patients for balances remaining after insurance payment.


The school does not provide free care and does not have a sliding fee scale; there is no discount due to financial need.


The collection of down payments, co-payments and/or other payments including adjustments need to total the service provided. Every attempt should be made to remind patients payments are due on the day of service. If there is a remaining balance, a billing statement will be mailed to the patient for the difference. Billing statements are not mailed to patients/responsible party when full payment is made on the completed service unless other outstanding services were not paid. If a patient expresses a problem or concern about a charge or payment on account billing, the student should immediately bring or refer a patient to the patient accounting office. Concerns regarding treatment should be addressed with the patient advocate in Clinical Systems. Students need to initiate a charge by entering treatment as complete (C) in the EHR after the following conditions occur:

  1. When a service is completed, and appropriate authorizations are obtained by faculty in the clinic at each appointment.
  2. When all required information is documented in the EHR Treatment History, including
  • Date of Service
  • Tooth Number /Quadrant (if applicable)
  • Brief Description of Service
  • ADA Code or U of MN Dental Clinic code if applicable (from Fee Schedule)

Late Patient Payment

  • Under no circumstances should a student continue to provide care for a patient who is not paying for the care he/she receives. If a patient is not making the payments he/she agreed upon, contact the patient accounting office (7-200, 8-200, 9-214, or 9-216) as soon as possible.
  • A hold will be placed on patient records when an account becomes past due. Students cannot start new treatment until the patient's payments have been brought up to date.
  • Additionally, students will not be issued lab materials and/or cases will not be sent to the lab until at least 1/3-1/2 of the fee has been collected and any current or past due balances have been paid.

Adjustment to Patient Fees

  1. Complete an Accounts Receivable (A/R) adjustment form for fee adjustments via EPR forms in axiUm.
  2. Provide the requested information. Be sure to include a short and concise reason why the adjustment is needed (for accounting and auditing purposes), as well as being sure to obtain an authorized faculty’s approval.
  3. Electronic A/R adjustment requests should be routed to the Adjustment Requests group within 24 hours of the completion of treatment or when an adjustment on services is determined to be necessary. Delays in adjustment can cause incorrect or unnecessary insurance claim submissions and billings to patients. 

Additionally, it is important to minimize missing information and/or questionable reasons why an A/R adjustment is necessary, as the lack of information or solid reason will cause delays in processing. Additional effort and time from you and/or the faculty will be required. Other consequences of delayed adjustments could be patient benefits, fee collections, public relations and other account problems and issues. It is important to process A/R adjustment forms quickly. Patient insurance benefits can be delayed and patient complaints or concerns may be received.


There are no forms associated with this policy.


There are no appendices associated with this guideline.


There is no FAQ associated with this policy.


There are no associated definitions with this policy. 


There are no responsibilities associated with this policy. 


There is no related information with this policy. 


Approving Body: Council of Chairs
Date Approved: 
Date Amended: 2013


Primary ContactSande Turner [email protected]