Administrative Policy

Computer Replacement Policy

Date Effective

October 1, 2018

Policy Owner: Finance Office 

Policy Contact: Dean’s Office Events & Operations Manager


This policy applies to all computers purchased with any University funding source (O&M,bclinical revenue, grants, gifts etc.) The goals of this policy are:

  1. To ensure all faculty and staff are equipped with computer equipment suitable to the needs of the individual employee.
  2. To achieve efficiencies in the management of costs related to employee issues computers.
  3. To achieve efficiencies in computing support costs by reducing complexity and duplication of equipment within the SOD.


All SOD computers assigned to full-time faculty staff will have a rotation plan of 4 years. (Remove) Dental IT isn’t responsible. The Division Dental Technology is responsible for creating and maintaining this rotation plan in cooperation with Finance and operational units to coordinate purchasing and deploying replacement computers.

Purchases of pre-configuration laptops and desktop computers as determined by AHC-IS with listed on the University of Minnesota Bookstore Technology page. As determined by AHC-IS are funded centrally (managed by SOD Finance), except those purchased by gift or sponsored funding. The use of central dentistry O&M funding will be limited to $2000 for a laptop computer or for a desktop computer with monitors and accessories (Keyboards, Mice). Any amount exceeding the $2000 limit must be paid from discretionary funding sources (e.g. fund 1026 or Foundation funding), and should be approved by the department chair or associate dean. Monitors and docking adaptors (In excess of the $2000 limit) may be purchased using O&M funds to allow for laptops to be used as an employee’s primary desktop workstation. Tablet computers generally will not be funded from O&M funds, because they are unsuitable for an employee’s primary computer.

The general requirements of the computer rotation plan are as follows:

  • Computers purchased using SOD resources or supported by HST staff must be a preconfigured computer model listed on the AHC computer purchase request webpage ( nu=&sub_menu=standard ), under the section entitled “Standard”. Exceptions need to include a reasonable justification and be approved in writing/email by the Division Director and the Director of Dental Technology.
  • Faculty and staff may only have a laptop or a desktop machine (not both) assigned for their primary individual use. Laptops may be equipped with external monitors and peripherals so that a dual desktop/laptop functionality can be maintained.
  • If a faculty member currently has both a laptop and a desktop machine assigned to them for primary use, no changes will be made to that arrangement until one of the currently assigned machines needs replacement. At the time of replacement, the faculty member will decide whether they need a laptop or a desktop, and will transition to one computer.
  • When a computer is transferred from one individual to another or moved to a different location, the Dental Technology must be informed in order to update inventory accordingly.
  • Part-time staff and student employees and clinical systems locations will receive computers that are used, but have been upgraded and rebuilt with the best computing resources we have available across campus.
  • New faculty and administrative staff should generally receive a new computer upon employment. Advance notice of a new hire’s start date should be communicated to the Division of Dental Technology in order to prepare computers for installation for new hires.
  • Computers purchased out of compliance with the procurement requirements of this policy may result in the ordering employee reimbursing the cost of the purchase from personal funds.


Failure to adhere to the provisions of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary action as provided under existing procedures applicable to students, faculty, and staff, and/or civil or criminal prosecution.


There are no forms associated with this policy.


There are no appendices associated with this guideline.


There is no FAQ associated with this policy.


There are no definitions associated with this policy.


Department Chairs and Division Directors are responsible for on-going adherence to the policy and for working cooperatively with the Division of Dental Technology to ensure compliance with this policy. In consultation with Deans and Unit Heads, the Director of Dental Technology will monitor the effectiveness of this policy.


The Dean of the School of Dentistry issues this policy in accordance with the University of Minnesota’s Administrative Policy process. The Division of Dental Technology is responsible for the administration of this policy. Request an exception to this policy by writing to [email protected].


Approving Body: Council of Chairs
Date Approved: 10/2018
Date Amended: 


Primary ContactRanee Flory [email protected]