University of Minnesota Dental Clinics open with enhanced safety measures
Masks are required for all patients in Moos Health Sciences Tower Dental Clinics. Check-in and appointment procedures have also changed, as outlined below.
Masks are required for all visitors to Moos Health Sciences Tower
Patient check-in now includes:
- Additional security checks in Moos Tower. Please bring a copy of your identification (driver’s license or other photo ID), and a confirmation of your appointment (a copy of your appointment reminder text, email or postcard confirmation). We can confirm your appointment on-site by date of birth if you aren’t able to provide a copy of your appointment confirmation.
- Our scheduling staff will ask you screening questions prior to your appointment. You will be asked to answer those same questions again when you arrive for check in, and again once in the treatment room. This is mandated by the Minnesota Board of Dentistry.
- Please bring a photo ID and insurance card to the appointment.
For the safety of all:
- We ask that only the patient attend the appointment. Exceptions include parents/guardians accompanying children for their appointment and people providing mobility support. Any additional visitors will either be asked to exit the building or the appointment will be rescheduled.
- If you or anyone in your household has a fever and/or respiratory symptoms, or if you or anyone you have been in contact with has tested positive for COVID-19, we ask that you call and reschedule your appointment.
Also, please remember to bring a copy or text of your appointment confirmation to the Washington Ave. Parking Ramp and Moos Tower.
We appreciate our patients and we are committed to providing you with the excellent dental care you have come to expect from the School of Dentistry!