Thank You | A Message from the Dean

A Message from the Dean

It’s amazing how fast this year has passed, and how we have individually and collectively endured over the last 20 months. For many of us, the end of the year is a time to reflect, and refine goals and aspirations. Some people call these goals New Year Resolutions, which are often forgotten or abandoned shortly after the new year. But time for reflection can be very helpful. 

My reflection is one of amazement, of moments of large exhales, of gratitude, of shaking my head, and of deep gratefulness. I am grateful for all of you - staff, faculty, and volunteers - whose work has contributed to our ability to operate as a school. Your contributions over the past 20 months are invaluable.  

Like most things, high profile and outwardly notable events and people are noticed and recognized. All of our successes this past year are a testament to the great work of so many. Today, I take the opportunity to recognize community members whose contributions we don’t always see. 

Our clinical enterprise provides care to approximately 300 patients daily and 1,900 patients weekly. Maintaining this volume of care requires the support of many people. One of our support units is the dispensing and sterilization team managed by Amy Hellier. Amy, along with her team, supports our clinics each day by providing us with the clean instruments we use to treat almost 2,000 patients every week. I am thankful for the work done by this unit every day. 

Sterilization Team - Amy Hellier, Abdi Abdissa, Rachel Brunton, Bona Galata, Annette Gjelsness-Dick, Melissa Hankins, Alan Nelson, Michael Peterson, Quinndolyn Radziej, Spencer Radziej, Somrawi Weldeyohannes

Another support unit is the Dental Engineering team, led by Greg Johnson. When the pandemic first began in the spring of 2020, this team was vital to evaluating our air exchange rates and Plexiglas installation. They continue to provide the dental school with the necessary maintenance to keep our chairs operating, and suction and water lines running, every day. Sometimes, they help you get into your office if you forget your keys (I have personally been blessed by that courtesy). Thank you to the Dental Engineering team for all you do to make sure our clinics run smoothly.

Dental Engineering - Greg Johnson, Christopher Endres, Darla Thunstrom, Michael Weston, Matthew Willits

A significant part of our patient care is the support that comes from our dental lab operations staff. These individuals work with our students to help fabricate and modify prostheses and send hundreds of cases to the commercial laboratories on an annual basis. Their workload has increased tremendously over this past year and I am extremely appreciative for how Ruth Iverson assumed much of the increased workload. Thank you to the dental lab operations team. 

Dental Lab Operations - John Madden, Jeanne Artig, Ruth Iverson, Brian Lim, Elijah Suh, Joshua Suh

Last, but not least, thank you to the department, division and advanced education program administrative staff. This group regularly supports our faculty. Throughout the past 20 months, they have pivoted to accommodate remote learning needs. Just a few other responsibilities include: inputting student grades, scheduling, staffing meetings, purchasing, and assistance in so many other ways it’s not possible to capture the many things this group does. Great job! Thank you for all you do.

Department Administrators - Rosemary Burns Velez, Peter Cao, Janice Casey, Monica Mahon. Division Administrators and Program Coordinators - Connie Blasing, Caroline Bishop, Diane Blumenfeld, Yvonne Christiansen, Denise Coronado, Chelsey Favretto, Danielle Gordainer, Amanda Hyatt, Elizabeth Ivory, Tina Jalivay, Crystal King, Jordan Knapp, Aaron Kupcho, Shelby LaFreniere, Katie Olsen, Kathy Patka, Raven Sing, Ivy Wish-Werven, Brian Wray, Kailee Zabolotny

When I started this short message, I knew I was in trouble because I wouldn’t be able to list every person’s name that I want to recognize. During this season of remembrance and reflection I thank those who are in the back corridors of Moos Tower for all they do to keep us running smoothly. 

I hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday season and winter break and a Happy New Year.