Michelle Arnett, MS, RDH

Associate Professor
Michelle Arnett, MS, RDH


Office Phone
Office Address

9-372A Moos Tower
515 Delaware St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
United States

Department of Primary Dental Care,
Division of Dental Hygiene


Associate Professor


MS, Rackham Graduate School University of Michigan
Major: Dental Hygiene

Certificate, University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry
Major: Dental Hygiene

Associates of Science, Schoolcraft College
Major: Healthcare and Health Sciences

Licensures and Certifications

Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation Certification, MI
Nitrous Oxide Certification, MI
Local Anesthesia Certification, MI
Registered Dental Hygienist Licensure, MI
PEERRS Human Subjects Certification, MI
Registered Dental Hygienist Licensure, MN
Nitrous Oxide Certification, MN

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Michelle Arnett graduated from the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry with a certification in Dental Hygiene and a Bachelor of Science. She began working in private clinical practice and had a fulfilling clinical career before pursuing a graduate degree. Michelle Arnett’s interest in education and research led her to the University of Michigan School of Dentistry where she obtained a Master of Science in Dental Hygiene. She joined the University of Michigan faculty and taught in the entry-level and degree-completion dental hygiene programs and was a clinical research coordinator and practicing dental hygienist in the Department of Graduate Periodontics. Michelle Arnett joined the University of Minnesota in 2018 as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in the Department of Primary Dental Care. She taught Periodontology, Communications, and the Dental Hygiene Care Process: Clinical Application III. She currently teaches the Process of Care in Allied Oral Health: Clinical Application IV in the dental hygiene undergraduate program and Thesis I, Thesis II and the Capstone Track (Capstone I-IV) in the dental hygiene graduate program. Her areas of research focus are motivational interviewing and periodontology. In addition to topics to enhance her teaching, student mentorship, and address dental hygiene educator burnout. Michelle Arnett’s professional memberships include Sigma Phi Alpha-Nu Chapter, American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA), and the American Dental Education Association (ADEA).

Awards, Honors and Recognition

University of Minnesota McKnight Presidential Fellows Nomination by Dean Mays2024
ADEA President Centennial Awards for Oral Health Education2023
University of Minnesota School of Dentistry, Didactic Faculty of the Year awarded by the Dental Hygiene Class of 20232022-2023
University of Minnesota Dental Hygiene Classes of 2020 and 2021 COVID-19 Pandemic Awards: Star Award, High Efficacy Award, No Nonsense Nurturer Award, Perfect Attendance Award
March 2020 – August 2020
University of Minnesota School of Dentistry, Didactic Faculty of the Year Award - awarded by the Dental Hygiene Class of 20192018-2019
ADEA Junior Faculty Award Nomination from the University of Minnesota ADEA Chapter2019
American Dental Hygienists’ Association~DENTSPLY Graduate Student Research Program - University of Michigan Master of Science in Dental Hygiene Program Representative2016
11th Ramfjord Pre-Symposium Poster Session Award - Dental Hygiene Science, University of Michigan2016
King-Chavez-Parks Initiative Future Faculty Fellowship Award - Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan2016
Sigma Phi Alpha. Nu Chapter, Dental Hygiene Honor Society2016
Rackham Non-Traditional Fellowship - Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan2015
Cum Laude Honors, University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry2004
Recognition for Research Excellence for their interest and productivity in extracurricular research investigation during their professional studies - University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry2004
Certificate of Achievement in the University of Detroit Mercy Tobacco Prevention and Treatment Program - University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry2004
Science Honors, Schoolcraft College2002
Claren C. Jones Science Award, Schoolcraft College2002

Grants and Patents

Investigator status: Co-Investigator
Agency: University of Minnesota Writing Enriched Curriculum
Title: Effects of Writing Interventions in Undergraduate Dental Hygiene Curriculum
Date: February 2024 – February 2025

Investigator status: Principal investigator
Agency: UMNII Medium Seed Grant
Title: The efficacy of endoscope-guided (EG) versus conventional SRP in posterior teeth
Date: Anticipated August 2023 – July 2024

Investigator status: Principal investigator
Agency: Colgate CARE grant
Title: 3-year follow-up to evaluate longitudinal indicators of periodontal disease
Date: January 2023 – July 2023

Investigator status: Principal investigator
Agency: University of Minnesota Tenure Track Funds
Title: Impact of Covid-19 on dental hygiene educators: a national survey.
Date: April 2021-July 2021

Investigator status: Principal investigator
Agency: University of Minnesota Venden Grant Program
Title: Systemic markers of inflammation: 9 and 12-month follow-up post non-surgical periodontal therapy with and without minocycline HCl microspheres, 1 mg
Date: May 2020-May 2022

Investigator status: Principal investigator
Agency: University of Minnesota Tenure Track Funds
Title: Preliminary evaluation of dental hygiene curriculum: assessment and management of peri-implant conditions and diseases
Date: September 2019-Janurary 2020

Investigator status: Principal investigator
Agency: Bausch Health
Title: Effect of non-surgical periodontal therapy with and without minocycline HCl microspheres, 1 mg on bacterial load and systemic markers of inflammation
Date: September 2019-March 2022

Investigator status: Clinical Research Coordinator
Agency: Delta Dental Foundation
Title: Relationship between peri-implantitis and cardiovascular diseases
Date: 2017-2018

Investigator status: Clinical Research Coordinator
Agency: MICHR Pilot Grant & POM Supplement Award
Title: Sonographic imaging of oral and dental anatomical structures (a pilot study)
Date: 2017-2018

Investigator status: Blinded Examiner/Clinical Research Coordinator
Agency: Morita J USA
Title: Laser-assisted regenerative surgical therapy for peri-implantitis: a randomized controlled clinical trial
Date: 2017-2018

Investigator status: Examiner/Clinical Research Coordinator
Agency: Implant Dentistry Research & Education Foundation (IDREF)
Title: Vertical tooth movement adjacent to single Implant restorations in the esthetic area
Date: 2017-2018

Investigator status: Examiner/Clinical Research Coordinator
Agency: Delta Dental Foundation Title: The influence of mucosa thickness on peri-implant marginal bone loss: a cross-sectional study
Date: 2017-2018

Investigator status: Collaborator
Agency: University of Michigan School of Dentistry Roy H. Roberts Family Awards for Excellent and Innovation in Teaching
Title: Teaching and learning strategies for improving student writing skills

Investigator status: Principal investigator
Agency: University of Michigan Rackham Graduate School Block Grant
Title: Faculty perceptions of supporting students’ delivery of motivational interviewing during patient care
Date: September 2015-May 2016


  1. Arnett MC. Strategies for oral health promotion and disease prevention and control. In: Blue CM. Darby Comprehensive Review of Dental Hygiene. 9th ed. St. Louis (MO):Elsevier; 2021.p 504-34.
  2. Eagel IT, Arnett MC. Visual acuity is key to successful patient outcomes. Dimensions of Dent Hyg. June/July 2024;22(4):16-19.
  3. Arnett M, Chandramouly M, Shingler K. Using StoryMaps for Cross-Curricular Integration of a Periodontal Disease Progression Case. J Dent Educ. 2023 Nov 22. doi: 10.1002/jdd.13432. Online ahead of print.
  4. Skriver R, Reibel YG, Christianson D, Evans MD, Arnett MC. Knowledge and attitudes of undergraduate dental, allied oral health and nursing students towards patients with Alzheimer’s disease. J Dent Hyg.2023 Dec;97(6):37-49.
  5. Arnett MC, Paulson DR, Blue CM, Evans MD, Reibel Y. Health topics emerged from brief motivational interviewing: A randomized clinical trial. J Dent Hyg. Oct 2023;97(5):116-27.
  6. Arnett MC, Paulson DR, Blue CM, Evans MD, Reibel Y. Health topics emerged from brief motivational interviewing: A randomized clinical trial. Int J Dent Hyg. 2023;00:1–9.
  7. Abbott AJ. Reibel YG, Arnett MC, Marka N, Drake M. The oral and systemic health implications of electronic cigarettes usage as compared to conventional tobacco cigarettes: A literature review of recent evidence. J Dent Hyg. Aug 2023; 97(4):21-35.
  8. Arnett MC, Costalonga M, Chanthavisouk P, Blue CS, Evans MD, Paulson D. Effects of scaling and root planing with and without minocycline HCl microspheres on periodontal pathogens and clinical outcomes: A randomized clinical trial. J Periodontol. 2023;94(9):1133-1145.
  9. Hanson C, Reibel YG, Christainson D, Evans MD, Arnett MC. Students’ knowledge, comfort, attitudes, and formal training on oral health of transgender individuals: A pilot study. J Dent Educ. Feb 2023;87:743-754.
  10. Bast K, Arnett MC, Lindgren BR, Drake M, Reibel YG. End stage renal disease: knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of dental hygiene and dental therapy students. J Dent Hyg. Feb 2023; 97(1):56-65. (Sigma Phi Alpha Winner).
  11. Clark B, Arnett MC, O’Conell M, Marka N, Reibel YG. Domestic Violence Knowledge and Attitudes Among Minnesota Dental Hygienists: A Pilot study. J Dent Hyg. Feb 2023;97(1):33-42.
  12. Arnett MC, Rogers K, Evans M, Reibel YG. Effectiveness of brief motivational interviewing on periodontal patients’ interest, importance, and self-efficacy: A randomized clinical trial. PEC Innov. 1(Dec)2022: 100092. Available from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2772628222000772?via%3Dihub
  13. Chanthavisouk P, Arnett M, Seyffer D, Paulson DR. Existing evidence for dental hygiene and dental therapy interventions: A determination of distinct patient populations. J Evid Based Dent Pract. 19 Oct. (2022): 101785. Available from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1532338222001117?dgcid=rss_sd_all
  14. Arnett MC, Stull C. Oral cancer prevention. Dimensions. Dimensions of Dent Hyg. July 2022; 20(7):32-35.
  15. Arnett MC, Stull C Motivational Interviewing for Human Papillomavirus-Related Oral Cancer Prevention. Decisions Dent. June 2022;8(6)36,39-41.
  16. Rogers KM, Arnett MC, Mays KA, Wang Qi, Blue CM. Dental hygienists' use of motivational interviewing and perceptions of effectiveness in changing patient behaviors. J Dent Educ. 2022 Aug;86(8):909-917.
  17. Arnett MC, Ramaswamy V, Evans MD, Rulli D. A qualitative assessment of dental hygiene educators’ COVID-19 related burnout. J Dent Educ. 23 June 2022;1-11. https://doi.org/10.1002/jdd.13009
  18. Arnett MC, Eagle, IT. Motivational interviewing: Dentists’ role in patient behavior change. Decisions Dent. Apr.2022:40-43
  19. Arnett MC, Blue CM, Ahmann L, Evans MD, Reibel Y. Impact of brief motivational interviewing on periodontal clinical outcomes: A randomized blinded clinical trial. J Dent Hyg. Oct 2022;96(5):13-22.
  20. Arnett MC, Ramaswamy V, Evans MD, Rulli D. Impact of Covid-19 on dental hygiene educators: a national survey. J Dent Educ. 2022 Jan 14;86(7):781-791.
  21. Arnett MC, Evans MD, Stull C. Students’ perceptions regarding the of importance and confidence with brief motivational interviewing during HPV patient counseling. J Dent Hyg. 2022 Apr: 96(2):50-58.
  22. Arnett MC, Evans MD, Stull C. Skills-based training: brief motivational interviewing for human papillomavirus communication. J Dent Hyg. August 2021;96(4): 46-56.
  23. Arnett MC, Eagle IT. Enhance vision and ergonomics with loupes and lights. Decisions Dent. 2021 Dec.7(12):22-24.
  24. Arnett MC, Eagle IT. Impact of loupes and lights on visual acuity and ergonomics. Dimensions. 2021 Aug. 19(8):21-23.
  25. Stull C, Evans MD, Arnett MC. Examining the role of HPV communication training in dental hygiene students’ knowledge, attitudes, confidence, and comfort. J Dent Hyg. J Dent Hyg. 2021.Oct;95(5):47-55.
  26. Blankenship K, Blue C, Stull C, Arnett MC, Flynn P. A survey of human papillomavirus content inclusion in U.S. dental hygiene program curricula. J Dent Hyg. 2021 Apr: 95(2):42-9.
  27. Wang CW, Ashnagar S, Di Gianflippo R, Arnett M, Kinney J, Wang HL. Laser-assisted regenerative surgical therapy for peri-implantitis: a randomized controlled clinical trial. J Periodontol. 2021 Mar;92(3):378-88.
  28. Arnett MC, Reibel Y, Evans MD, Stull C. Preliminary evaluation of dental hygiene curriculum: assessment and management of peri-implant conditions and diseases. J Dent Edu.2020 Jun:84(6):642-51.
  29. Vo A, Arnett M, Drake M, Reibel Y. Supporting the transgender community. Dimensions. Sep 2020;18(8):40-43.
  30. Blue C, Arnett M, Ephrem H, Lunos S, Chen Ruoqiong, Jones R. Using motivational interviewing to reduce parental risk related behaviors for early childhood caries: a pilot study. BMC Oral Health. 2020 Mar 29;20(1):90
  31. Koerber K, Reibel Y, Drake M, Arnett M. Successful management of adult patients with cerebral palsy. Dimensions. 2020 Apr 2020;18(4):38-41.
  32. Tattan M, Sinhab K, Lee E, Arnett M, Oh T, Wang HL, Kripfans O, Chan HL. Ultrasonography for chairside evaluation of periodontal structures: a human pilot study. J Periodontol. J Periodontol. 2020 Jul;91(7):890-99.
  33. Nieto V, Arnett M, Furgeson D. Attitudes and access patterns of Michigan veterans not eligible for VA oral health care: A cross-sectional study. J Dent Hyg. 2019.Aug;93(4):6-13.
  34. Mailoa J, Arnett M, Chan HL, Georhe FM, Kaigler D, Wang HL. The association between buccal mucosa thickness and peri-implant bone loss and attachment loss: a cross-sectional study. Implant Dent 2018 Oct;27(5):575-581.
  35. Arnett MC, Gwozdek A, Ahmed S, Beaubien HD, Yaw KB, Eagle IT. Assessing the use of loupes and lights in dental hygiene educational programs. J Dent Hyg. 2017 Dec;92(6):15-20.
  36. Arnett MC, Gwozdek A. Motivational interviewing for the clinical dental hygienist. Dimensions.2017 May;5(15):54-57.
  37. Arnett MC, Korte D, Richards PS, Saglik S, Taichman SL, Kinney JS, Gwozdek AE. Effect of faculty development activities on dental hygiene faculty perceptions of and teaching about motivational interviewing: a pilot study. J Dent Educ. 2017 Aug;81(8):969-77.