Mini Residency in Oral Lesions and Cancer Detection

Current date: 2025-02-16T23:33:38-0600 , end date: 2024-04-07T14:00:00-0500 2024-04-07T14:00:00-0500

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Oral lesion in mouth.

During this mini-residency program, you will work alongside world-class professionals to advance your skills in the detection, treatment, and post-therapeutic management of oral lesions and cancer. Day One will feature presentations, case studies, and hands-on experiences with biopsy and head and neck cancer examinations. Day Two will feature presentations, case studies, and hands-on experiences covering a full spectrum of oral lesions, dysplasia, and oral cancer. You will examine the role of evidence-based evaluation of newer oral cancer diagnostic tools, cancer staging, treatment including surgery and chemoradiotherapy, and the dentist's role in head and neck cancer treatment. Common sequela, such as osteoradionecrosis of the jaw, will also be covered. Misdiagnosis of oral cancer is common—you will review new insights to improve documentation and avoid malpractice issues related to delay or misdiagnosis. Working with your instructors, you will also analyze oral and maxillofacial pathology case studies covering conditions encountered in general and specialty dental practices.

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