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Research Writing Rubric

  Excellence Meets Expectations Developing Weak Poor
Focused research question or topic Explores a narrow, original, timely, and significant research question and/or topic. Illustrates a mature understanding of the state of the literature. Exceeds expectations with summary and depth of topic, mature understanding of topic Addresses a focused research question and/or topic. Illustrates an understanding of the state of the literature. Effective summary and depth, mature understanding of topic Question and/or topic is relevant but poorly formed, obvious, underdeveloped or overbroad. Shows marginal understanding of literature. Lacking depth or immature understanding. Weak question and/or topic. Unaware of current research/topic Not a question. Not a topic. Misinformed. Unethical. Unresearchable.
Research selection Exceeds expectations of required number of sources, uses all relevant databases, uses higher level of evidence on the pyramid Comprehensive search strategy using multiple databases, uses high-level evidence, meets required number of sources, effective source selection Level of evidence is inconsistent. Searching only one database meets required number of sources, ineffective source selection Any of the following: does not meet required number of sources, its dated or irrelevant, biased, weak sources. All of the following: does not meet required number of sources, dated, irrelevant, biased, weak source selection.
Synthesis of research Synthesis is particularly insightful, novel, or comprehensive, accurate interpretation of the literature Features explicit efforts to connect information to central topic, accurate interpretations of literature Some effort to explicitly connect research. Lacking detail or incomplete or inaccurate interpretation of the literature No synthesis. Mere summary and restatement, and inaccurate interpretation of the literature Contradictory, confusing, nonsensical
Organization Establishes a sophisticated narrative that enhances understanding of the topic Produces a central narrative, funnels from general to specific, clear transitions Some research is misplaced, weak transitions Organizational scheme is not apparent, lacks transitions Organization seems random.
Citation and Writing Standards Clear professional voice, stylistic choices that enhances understanding. NLM flawless. NLM correct. Clear professional voice and concise. Correct grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation. Minor citation error. Informal voice. Contains some irrelevant, confusing, wordy, or repetitive writing. Serious or multiple citation errors. Inappropriate voice. Language choices impair understanding. Multiple serious errors. Absent citation. Language choices impair understanding.


Reflective Writing Rubric

  Meets expectations Developing Weak
Description of events and background Provides meaningful details of the events, demonstrates subject matter knowledge and cultural competency Includes limited or extraneous detail, description lacks technical details or attention to context Lacks meaningful detail or fails to demonstrate good judgement in the selection of evidence
Key findings and assessment of the scenario Draws conclusions and assess the experience according to explicit criteria Draws some conclusions from the scenario, but lacks analytical depth Conclusions drawn area vague, obvious, or incorrect
Connections and Extensions Well-developed critical thinking that draws connections to broader implications, affective dimensions, and relevant knowledge Identifies some connection to relevant knowledge or circumstances, thoughts, or feelings. Critical thinking is inconsistently demonstrated Little to no application of critical thinking when making connections to implications or relevant knowledge
Moving Forward Identifies clearly how conclusions will shape professional practice Identifies elementary conclusions Conclusions are shallow, incomplete, or based on poor inferences
Tone/Professionalism/Writing Standards Tone is analytical and professional, draws evidence-based conclusions Tone is personal, relies on impressions rather than data. Contains mechanical or citation errors. Tone is casual, reliance on cliché or vague conclusions, contains distracting mechanical or citation errors